Month: November 2014


Why Thanksgiving Leads to a Fulfilling Life

“From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same the Lord’s name is to be praised.” It has been said that the best things in life are the simplest things. Like seeing the radiant smile of a toddler in the midst of a busy street, […]

A Lesson In Praise

Psalm 150 is not only a beautiful expression of praise, it’s also a lesson in praising the Lord. It tells us where to praise, why we’re to praise, how we’re to praise, and who should offer praise.

Discover Jesus’ response to an impossible dilemma

From a human perspective, there was no good solution. Jesus shouldn’t forgive the woman caught in adultery, but He wouldn’t condemn her either! Our series in John chapter 8 continues.

the One who confounds

My 11-year-old son Wyatt loves to watch some videos called “Minute Physics.” They feature a young, genius professor who answers mind-boggling questions such as “What is dark matter?” and “How does the sun work?”

Why There’s No Better Family than One with Christ

I come from a family of five—there’s my father, mother, two older sisters and me. Together we’re dysfunctional, disorganised, lazy and sometimes crazy. But behind it all, we’re a very loving bunch. So “family” is a term that I hold dear to my heart. It is the very […]

God Whispers “Fish”

A number of years ago our sons and I enjoyed some days together drifting and fishing the Madison River in Montana with two fishing guides who also served as our boatmen.

An important discussion about the dangers of exploiting others

Ever notice how easy it is to mix up our priorities? It happens when we love things and use people, instead of loving people and using things!

take the next step

Have you felt the crushing weight of despair? Perhaps a performance review was negative, a cancer screening was positive, or your spouse wanted a divorce. Suddenly, your life seemed pretty much over.

Chopping Boards, Tablets, and Being Thankful

Sometime last month, an Argentinian boy on the other side of the world made me cry. I don’t even know his name. But big, fat tears rolled down my cheeks as I watched the three-minute video clip—a beautiful capture of a thankful heart. You may have come across it—a young […]

Resting In God

It was our last holiday together as a family before our eldest son went off to college. As we filled the back pew in the little seaside church, my heart filled with love as I glanced along the row of my five reasonably tidy children. “Please protect them spiritually and keep them close to You, Lord.” I prayed silently, thinking of the pressures and challenges each of them faced.


本课程对保罗在监狱所写的四封书信(歌罗西书、以弗所书,腓利门书和腓立比书)做出分析。身为基督徒,我们在信仰上面对许多挑战。我们对基督的忠诚受到异端教导和世界观的冲击。苦难使我们对上帝的主权质疑,或者认为他并没为我们的利益设想。我们与其他信徒的关系常常紧张到令我们质疑教会的价值;但保罗的狱中书信对这类难题做出了回应。本课程是根据由第三千禧年神学资源中心所制作 Dr. Reggie M. Kidd 的DVD系列编写。


本课提供了简短的旧约纵览,察考了「国度、约及正典」等主题。课程显明旧约并非不同片段、家谱及预言集的随意组合,而是围绕神国这一中心主题的统一体。神国透过约以及作为「正典」(准则)的旧约应用到我们的生活中。 本课是根据普拉特博士[Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.]「第三千年国」DVD系列编写的。


我们当中许多人都读过系统神学,但很少有人探究过其背后发展的过程。本课对系统神学形成的步骤做了解读,特别对系统神学术语,神学命题及教义性宣言的形成做了解读。 本课对系统神学的合理性,在系统神学成形过程中人类理性所占地位,以及系统神学的益处及危害进行了察考。 本课根据普拉特博士「第三千年国」DVD系列编写。


使徒行传讲述一段精彩的教会扩张时期,但当时的神奇经历是否为我们今天奠定教会模式?本课程将帮你解答关于圣灵工作和教会事工的难题。课程内容包括使徒行传背景、结构、内容,并深入探讨重要主题,还有如何将使徒行传应用于现今的准则。本课程是根据Dr. Hans F. Bayer 的DVD系列编写。

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